Each curriculum on RaiseUpFaith offers media-rich series, lesson plans, and activities that also have theology in common. Check out our Statement of Faith and know that each resource has been tested against it so that you can rest assured that all assets are in agreement with each other, theologically.
Click on each tile to learn more about the age and scope offered, from preschool to junior high, while getting a sneak peek at a lesson to learn more about it.
Friend, meet our curriculums!
Ages 0-6; 60 lessons over 6 series, plus bonus content; Easter special
Ages 4-8; 30 lessons over 7 series plus pre-school content; Christmas special
Ages 4-8; 41 lessons over 4 series plus bonus content; Easter and Christmas specials
Ages 11-14; 4-year scope and sequence, plus bonus content; Easter and Christmas lessons
Ages 6-10; 4-year scope and sequence, plus bonus content; Easter and Christmas lessons
Ages 6-10; 52 lessons over 13 series; Easter and Christmas specials
For your elementary age kids (6-11), here's a whole year of carefully curated lessons; because we love to save you time!
For your preschool age kids (0-5), here's a whole year of carefully curated lessons; because we love to save you time!
Want to try out some lessons? Check out what's included with your Free Sampler Account here.
Looking for Christmas content? We’ve got just what you need to bring the season to life!
Looking for Easter content? We’ve got just what you need to engage your kids!