We believe that the future of the church relies on leaders delivering exceptional ministry experiences for kids, and we understand the pressure that puts on you every week to produce, with almost no support. That’s why we’ve mobilized our experience as kids ministry leaders and content creators and joined forces with industry-leading media partners to build a kids ministry platform that provides everything you need to lead a thriving ministry.
God, in community as Father, Son and Spirit, invites us into community, too. Together we are the Church, and we are God’s plan to reach all nations with the joyful good news of Jesus. Every element in our library aligns with our Statement of Faith so you can plan freely knowing the theology won’t let you, or the kids, down.
RaiseUpFaith exists to inspire and equip generations to live Jesus-centered, joy-filled lives. We do this by creating and gathering exceptional and accessible curriculums and content all together in one imaginative and inclusive place.
Our content is accessible and inclusive for today’s kids, created to lead them the way they are wired to learn. Our media-rich curriculums are thoughtful and engaging, current and ready to stream.
At RaiseUpFaith, our vision is to inspire and awaken wonder across the generations. This passion is borne out of our belief that childlike faith empowers and ignites awe and imagination for who God is, who we are because of Jesus, and who we get to be together by the power of Holy Spirit. Why? Because “[we] have no greater joy than to hear that my [our] children are living by the truth” (3 John 4).
To learn more about our mission and values, read the full article below!
We often see our piece of Kingdom like a patch in a giant quilt that the Holy Spirit is stitching together. So, what happens when two or more organizations learn that their patches share a pattern or theme or color scheme? Do they collaborate and sit side by side? Or do they begin to imagine being stitched together for a single purpose?
We are proud to be a great big quilt with these Kingdom-minded partners and love that we get to be part of God’s big story together!
RaiseUpFaith is an exceptional collection of disciples spanning two continents who gather every week to pray for you and honor your ministries. We are with you, friends!
For our bios, we are candidly sharing with you two truths and a lie about ourselves... which is which is up to your imagination!
Natalie has worked in youth ministry, as a lead pastor and as the curriculum pastor for a multisite church where she co-created One Story and published Raising Disciples. She's in pursuit of her Doctorate in Practical Theology which she plans to finish...eventually.
As Editor-in-Chief, Jo makes us all sound way better than we would without her. Her Spirit-filled of joy, kindness, and gentleness make us even better than her editing does, though.
Well-versed in the world of coms & marketing, Natalia keeps us up-to-date with the latest trends and millennial slang. She bridges the gap between our vision and our community, ensuring every message is clear and every interaction filled with care.
Our beloved Christine can make a spreadsheet out of a brainstorm with a smile on her face. She takes what we love to do and does what she loves to do with it: bringing order to chaos.
Our fearless product owner, Adrienne manages all things tech and her heart beats for our users. She loves you, cares for each click you make, and prays for you often.
Toby is a pioneering leader who seeks God first as he dreams big dreams. Passionate about delivering high quality media for the biblical education of the next generation, he started RaiseUpFaith with a vision to create a global platform to equip the local church.
Paul is a visionary leader and faithful encourager who will happily (if even moderately impatiently) wait on the presence of God before any next move.
Our users are central to all that we do at RaiseUpFaith; if it’s important to you, then it’s important to us. We’ve mobilized our experience as Kids Ministry Leaders and pastors, and want to support you creating a kids ministry platform that provides everything you need to lead a thriving ministry. Before we develop anything new, we ask you what you need and co-create a solution. And we love nothing more than connecting with you and finding out what you need. Get in touch below, we’d love to talk to you!