Statement of Faith

Blue Circles

Our delight is to equip you with what you need, and free you up to lavish God’s love on the community you serve.

What We Believe

God, in community as Father, Son and Spirit, invites us into community, too. Together we are the Church, and we are God’s plan to reach all nations with the joyful good news of Jesus. In this way we can change the world! Our delight is to equip you with what you need, and free you up to lavish God’s love on the community you serve.

This continually expanding curriculum resource is bursting with original and curated content – all telling the timeless story of Jesus, to help children discover the joy of faith. And all of it has been selected because it aligns with what we believe.

God in Heaven

Blue Circles

The Trinity

We believe: The Trinity is real. God is a society of Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Which is why: Our content uses this relational model to invite children to engage in a relationship with our loving God.

God’s Kingdom

We believe: The Kingdom of God is God reigning, where Jesus is King. It is present wherever what God wants done is done.

Which is why: Our resources help children to know God’s amazing character, to know His heart for the created, and how they can contribute to His Kingdom here on earth.

God’s Character

We believe: God is the happiest, most joyful being in the universe. God IS love. God loves us unconditionally, wholeheartedly, and continually. He is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and eternal. He is holy. He is the Creator of life, the Saviour of sinners, and the Judge of all.

Which is why: We passionately believe that children need to know that they are loved, and so our content is full of joy, celebration, worship, creativity and fun, praise parties, and silly games.

God in the World

Blue Circles


We believe: Jesus is the smartest person ever to live. He is also the Son of God and Son of Man, Lord, Saviour, Teacher, and Friend. God has shown us what He is like in the person of Jesus, his Son. Through Him, we also know God’s kindness and generosity. Because of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, we can be friends with God now and forever.

Which is why: We ensure that our content enables children to learn how to live not only ‘all out’ for Jesus, but also like Jesus and learn from His amazing wisdom and example for us.

The Holy Spirit

We believe: God makes Himself known personally to each believer through the work of the Holy Spirit, and to others by the fruit of the activity of the Spirit. We believe that God is already at work in the lives of children, inviting them to know Him and the dynamic love He has for them.

Which is why: In our content, we leave space for children to creatively respond and for the Holy Spirit to come and meet with each child.

The Bible

We believe: The Bible is the unique written word of God.

Which is why: Our content is always Biblically based. We communicate foundational Bible truths and promises to children in an age-appropriate way, making the Bible accessible. Our content will cover the grand narrative of the Bible. This helps children to understand the big picture of the Bible as one big story, seeing how Jesus' life, death and resurrection are the culmination of God's plan for us.

God in Us

Blue Circles


We believe: Community is central to our growth in Christ. God invites us all into a dynamic relationship with Him, so that we can live in the fullness of His love for us and establish His Kingdom in the world.

Which is why: We love team and togetherness. We encourage all-age worship and group activities. Unity gives evidence of our Kingdom citizenship!

Access to all

We believe: The Bible is a love letter, not a textbook, and a view into God's heart for humanity. It is meant to be accessible and understood.

Which is why: We believe that all are welcome into God's Kingdom - so we carefully choose our language, avoiding jargon, to ensure that our content is accessible to all people. If we use a religious idea, we always explain what we mean in the simplest language.

A Praying Life

We believe: We are called to a praying life rather than a prayer life. Prayer is a conversation with God and He loves to listen and answer; a disciple's life is a praying life.

Which is why: We include prayer in everything we do! We pray for our studios, we pray over our productions and our curriculums. We pray over you and those you serve and we most definitely include prayer in all of our content.