How a Simple Search Will Help You Find Time
This article follows the journey we have been on together, leading up to fall, to get back into healthy rhythms. From Sabbath to seasonal planning, this practical piece will help you fill your toolbox on RaiseUpFaith while building time back into your week!

Managing Rhythms
Over the last few weeks, we’ve looked at making space for (and guarding) Sabbath, and recognizing (and shaping) the rhythms of the ministry calendar.
While both are critical tools, especially when our schedules fill up, we also need to be discerning about how much time we find ourselves spending on tasks (and how to claw back some of that time where we can!). Adding to your toolbox is meant to do just that!
As a Kids Pastor, it is common for me to have several tabs open at the same time (whether figuratively or literally). There are multiple layers to the planning that happens between Sundays, and various elements to the service to consider. Not all Sunday lessons are created with your particular kids in mind, and so you, like me, may find yourself wanting to swap out a craft, or add in a video made to celebrate your summer camp that just ended. Perhaps there’s an event coming up that you want to promote and need to add it to the media line-up for the morning.
All of these adjustments, add-ons, and swap-outs take time and thoughtful discernment to be sure you’ve got everything you need and want included in the morning.
So, what tabs do you have open to get ready for Sunday? Besides your team schedule and contact list, it may be a direct message platform to keep on top of communication; then maybe it’s YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook Marketplace (for that item you need or that toy that needs replacing). Where do you turn for faith-based “extras”? I’ve discovered that the search engine built right into replaces all of the tabs I ever needed to make Sunday not only happen, but also better.
The Search
Whether you’re looking to introduce a new worship song, change out the game suggested in your curriculum, or add a video to augment the storytelling, we’ve got you covered. More than that, you can trust that every file, whether a lesson plan or a video, has been theologically vetted and aligns with our Statement of Faith. The following are some of my favourite ways to search for resources (from a selection of thousands):
What is the key verse or passage you are focussing on this week or month? Simply put that Scripture reference into the search and find memory verse activities, colouring sheets, and videos to match.
Are you building a series for a certain theme? Search for fruit of the Spirit or Christmas. You may find that this gives you more files than you can manage to sort through. No problem: click on the filter button and narrow down your criteria.
Speaking of filters, you may simply be looking for a type of file, or a specific age range. You can also search by starting with the filters. Add as many or as few as required to help you get to the selections you are looking for. You can find a single activity, or choose to find whole lessons on your search topic.
Once you’ve narrowed your search to the file type you are looking for, you can quickly scan to decide which ones you want to save, and add to a lesson, for now or later. Click on the little heart in the top right corner of the element, and it will appear in your “My Activities” page to use how you please, whether you’re building a complete lesson or just “pinning” it for later use.
The Resource For You
Each week, as a loving leader, I know you endeavour to put together the very best lesson for the kids you love and serve. One thing you’ll never have to worry about when pulling amazing assets from RaiseUpFaith is whether or not the theology, the truth, the story of Jesus will be align with your values.
Every element has been chosen because it lines up with our Statement of Faith and leads kids to explore and engage with God’s big story and their invitation to it. You’re days are full, and it can feel like Sundays are chasing us down, especially during transitional seasons.
Let us do some of the heavy lifting so you can get back to loving and leading with more wind in your sails!
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